Tax Landscape Overview of Eritrea

Tax Landscape Overview of Eritrea

Eritrea: A Comprehensive Overview

1. Introduction

Eritrea, officially the State of Eritrea, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Sudan to the west, Ethiopia to the south, and Djibouti to the southeast. Eritrea has a coastline along the Red Sea to the east. The country covers an area of approximately 117,600 square kilometers and has a population of around 3.6 million people.

Eritrea has a rich and complex history. It was part of the Ethiopian Empire for centuries before becoming an Italian colony in the late 19th century. Eritrea gained independence in 1993 after a long and bloody war of independence. Since then, the country has been ruled by President Isaias Afwerki.

2. Recent Economic Developments

Eritrea's economy is heavily dependent on agriculture, which accounts for about 80% of the country's GDP. The main agricultural products are sorghum, millet, wheat, and barley. Eritrea also has a small mining industry, which produces gold, copper, and zinc.

In recent years, Eritrea's economy has been growing at a slow pace. The country has been affected by a number of factors, including the ongoing conflict with Ethiopia, the global economic crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2022, Eritrea's GDP grew by an estimated 2.3%. This growth was driven by a recovery in the agricultural sector and increased government spending. However, the country's economy is still facing a number of challenges, including high inflation, a large budget deficit, and a lack of foreign investment.

3. Tax Law Changes

Eritrea's tax system is based on a territorial system, which means that only income earned in Eritrea is subject to tax. The country has a progressive income tax system, with tax rates ranging from 0% to 35%.

In recent years, Eritrea has made a number of changes to its tax laws. These changes have been aimed at simplifying the tax system and making it more efficient.

One of the most significant changes was the introduction of a new value-added tax (VAT) in 2019. The VAT is a consumption tax that is levied on the sale of goods and services. The standard VAT rate is 15%.

Other recent changes to Eritrea's tax laws include:

  • The introduction of a new withholding tax on dividends and interest.
  • The reduction of the corporate income tax rate from 30% to 25%.
  • The introduction of a new tax on the sale of real estate.

These changes are expected to have a significant impact on the Eritrean economy. The VAT is expected to increase government revenue and the reduction in the corporate income tax rate is expected to make Eritrea more attractive to foreign investors.

If you are interested in learning more about Eritrea's tax laws, I encourage you to contact a qualified tax professional. A tax professional can help you understand the tax laws and how they apply to your specific situation.

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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