International Tax Treaties of Costa Rica

International Tax Treaties of Costa Rica

Costa Rica's International Tax Treaty Network

Costa Rica has established a comprehensive network of international tax treaties to facilitate cross-border trade and investment while preventing double taxation. These agreements provide a framework for the exchange of tax information, the avoidance of double taxation, and the establishment of clear rules for businesses operating in multiple jurisdictions.

Countries with Tax Treaties

Costa Rica has signed tax treaties with the following countries:

  • Argentina (2010)
  • Brazil (2013)
  • Canada (2009)
  • Chile (2011)
  • China (2011)
  • Colombia (2012)
  • Czech Republic (2013)
  • Denmark (2014)
  • Ecuador (2015)
  • Finland (2014)
  • France (2015)
  • Germany (2013)
  • India (2012)
  • Italy (2014)
  • Japan (2015)
  • Mexico (2010)
  • Netherlands (2014)
  • Norway (2014)
  • Panama (2011)
  • Peru (2012)
  • Poland (2014)
  • Portugal (2014)
  • Russia (2014)
  • Singapore (2012)
  • South Korea (2011)
  • Spain (2014)
  • Sweden (2014)
  • Switzerland (2014)
  • United Kingdom (2014)
  • United States (2014)

Countries without Tax Treaties

Costa Rica does not currently have tax treaties with the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bolivia
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Estonia
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malaysia
  • Malta
  • Mauritius
  • New Zealand
  • Pakistan
  • Qatar
  • Romania
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • South Africa
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Uruguay

Future Considerations

Costa Rica is actively pursuing tax treaty negotiations with several countries, including Australia, Austria, and Ireland. These negotiations aim to expand Costa Rica's tax treaty network and further facilitate international trade and investment.

If delving into the depths of Costa Rican tax rules and regulations isn't your style, and you'd rather have experts take the reins, then Heavnn is here to help.

Let us simplify your tax planning journey. Access Heavnn's blend of professional expertise and cutting-edge technology by clicking the button below.

About the author


Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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