Tax Treaties of Malta

Tax Treaties of Malta
Country Date of Signing/Enactment
Australia 12 February 1981
Austria 22 July 2013
Barbados 14 February 2013
Belgium 29 December 1987
Bulgaria 14 January 2014
Canada 2 July 2013
China 17 July 2011
Croatia 14 February 2014
Cyprus 22 April 1994
Czech Republic 13 July 2009
Denmark 14 December 1993
Egypt 5 September 2011
Estonia 17 December 2014
Finland 7 July 2009
France 21 July 1967
Georgia 5 December 2011
Germany 18 April 1978
Greece 18 November 1968
Guernsey 10 March 2016
Hungary 4 September 2013
Iceland 12 June 2012
India 12 February 1993
Ireland 24 February 2008
Isle of Man 17 October 2013
Italy 10 November 1980
Jersey 10 March 2016
Jordan 25 March 2015
Korea 8 May 1987
Kuwait 9 January 2012
Latvia 17 December 2014
Lebanon 26 November 2015
Libya 7 February 2017
Lithuania 17 December 2014
Luxembourg 16 December 1994
Malaysia 9 September 2011
Mauritius 24 November 2011
Mexico 20 October 2010
Monaco 26 October 2012
Montenegro 8 February 2016
Morocco 29 May 2006
Netherlands 12 June 2013
Norway 15 December 1993
Pakistan 27 September 2012
Poland 18 June 2013
Portugal 23 November 1998
Qatar 1 July 2010
Romania 1 January 2014
Russia 27 December 1994
San Marino 6 September 2012
Saudi Arabia 5 October 2009
Serbia 1 January 2014
Seychelles 14 April 2014
Singapore 11 March 2008
Slovakia 26 May 2011
Slovenia 13 January 2012
South Africa 18 November 2015
Spain 8 December 2003
Sweden 13 April 1993
Switzerland 3 October 1983
Syria 25 January 2008
Tunisia 16 November 2006
Turkey 24 May 2000
Ukraine 20 December 2012
United Arab Emirates 2 January 2012
United Kingdom 10 November 1965
United States 8 December 2010
Uruguay 18 September 2012

There are several countries with which Malta does not have any tax treaties. Notable examples include:

  • Afghanistan
  • Angola
  • Bangladesh
  • Bolivia
  • Cambodia
  • Congo (Democratic Republic of the)
  • Cuba
  • Haiti
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • North Korea
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Zimbabwe

It's essential to note that negotiations for tax treaties are ongoing processes, and there may be discussions or considerations for future agreements with some of these countries.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by the complexities of Maltese tax regulations and seek a hassle-free solution, look no further than Heavnn. Click the button below to learn how we can help.
About the author


Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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