Tax Treaties of Estonia

Tax Treaties of Estonia
Country Date of Signing/Enactment
Australia 20.03.2002
Austria 15.12.1994
Azerbaijan 12.04.2002
Belarus 16.03.1994
Belgium 16.05.1994
Canada 03.07.2000
China 14.01.1993
Cyprus 18.12.2000
Czech Republic 25.01.1993
Denmark 03.11.1992
Finland 02.04.1993
France 30.04.1993
Georgia 22.04.2003
Germany 06.11.1996
Hungary 26.02.1993
Iceland 25.03.2004
India 19.12.1997
Ireland 05.07.2000
Israel 26.01.1999
Italy 29.05.1997
Japan 09.05.2005
Kazakhstan 06.06.2002
Korea (Republic) 28.11.2000
Kyrgyzstan 23.06.2002
Latvia 23.03.1994
Lithuania 13.04.1994
Luxembourg 02.07.2000
Macedonia 10.12.2002
Malta 24.05.2000
Moldova 23.12.1998
Netherlands 02.09.1994
Norway 29.04.1993
Poland 26.01.1993
Portugal 23.06.2000
Romania 07.12.1995
Russia 17.04.1993
Singapore 28.05.2003
Slovak Republic 10.06.2004
Slovenia 05.07.2000
Spain 05.05.1999
Sweden 20.04.1993
Switzerland 25.05.1994
Tajikistan 13.04.2002
Turkey 14.02.2002
Turkmenistan 12.04.2002
Ukraine 21.06.1994
United Kingdom 08.09.1993
United States 05.02.2000
Uzbekistan 08.07.1994

Estonia does not have tax treaties with the following notable countries:

  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Mexico
  • South Africa

However, Estonia has been actively expanding its network of tax treaties to promote international trade and investment, so it's plausible that discussions with additional countries may be underway.

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About the author


Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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