Tax Landscape Overview of Dominica

Tax Landscape Overview of Dominica

Dominica: A Caribbean Gem with Economic Promise

Nestled in the heart of the Caribbean Sea, Dominica is a captivating island nation renowned for its pristine natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. With a population of approximately 72,000, Dominica boasts a fascinating history, having gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1978.

Economic Developments: A Path to Recovery and Growth

Dominica's economy has faced challenges in recent years, particularly due to the impact of natural disasters such as Hurricane Maria in 2017. However, the country has embarked on a path to recovery and growth, supported by international aid and government initiatives.

One significant economic development is the construction of the geothermal power plant at Laudat. This project, completed in 2022, has significantly increased Dominica's energy independence and reduced its reliance on fossil fuels. The plant is expected to generate up to 7 megawatts of electricity, providing a reliable and sustainable source of power for the island.

Tax Law Adjustments: Fostering Economic Growth

In line with its economic recovery efforts, Dominica has implemented several adjustments to its tax legislation. These changes aim to stimulate economic activity, attract foreign investment, and create a more favorable business environment.

One notable change is the introduction of the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program. This program allows foreign investors to obtain Dominican citizenship in exchange for a substantial investment in the country's economy. The CBI program has generated significant revenue for Dominica, which has been used to fund infrastructure projects and support economic development initiatives.

Another significant tax law adjustment is the reduction of the corporate income tax rate from 30% to 25%. This reduction is intended to make Dominica more competitive in attracting foreign businesses and encouraging domestic investment.


Dominica is a country with immense potential for economic growth and development. The recent economic developments and tax law adjustments are positive steps towards creating a more prosperous and sustainable future for the island nation. As Dominica continues on its path to recovery and growth, it is well-positioned to attract investment, foster economic activity, and improve the well-being of its citizens.

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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