Tax Breaks for Expatriates and Digital Nomads in Indonesia

Tax Breaks for Expatriates and Digital Nomads in Indonesia


  • Expatriates are typically defined as foreign individuals residing in Indonesia for employment or business purposes, often holding specific work permits or visas.
  • Eligibility for tax breaks may be contingent upon holding a valid work permit or residency status in Indonesia.
  • Tax exemptions or reduced rates may apply to certain types of income earned by expatriates, such as foreign-sourced income or allowances provided for housing, education, or relocation.
  • Additionally, expatriates may benefit from deductions for certain expenses related to their employment or business activities in Indonesia.

Digital Nomads:

  • Digital nomads are individuals who conduct remote work or operate location-independent businesses while traveling or residing in different countries.
  • In Indonesia, digital nomads may qualify for certain tax benefits if they meet specific residency or income requirements established by tax laws.
  • While Indonesia does not offer specific tax breaks exclusively tailored for digital nomads, individuals may still benefit from tax exemptions or reduced rates on foreign-sourced income, depending on their residency status and the duration of their stay in the country.
  • Digital nomads conducting remote work for non-local companies may also explore tax planning strategies to optimize their tax liabilities in Indonesia.

Application and Claim Process


  • Tax exemptions or reduced rates may apply to certain types of income.
  • Deductions for occupational support expenses and personal allowances based on marital status and dependents.

Digital Nomads:

  • No specific tax breaks exclusively for digital nomads.
  • May be subject to the same tax regulations as other residents if they qualify as tax residents.
  • The taxation of expatriates and digital nomads in Indonesia is governed by various provisions of Law No. 36 of 2008 on Income Tax ("Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2008 tentang Pajak Penghasilan").
  • Specific tax breaks or incentives for expatriates may be outlined in government regulations or administrative guidelines issued by the Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes.
  • The objectives behind these tax policies may include attracting foreign talent, promoting investment, and fostering a conducive environment for skilled professionals and entrepreneurs.
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About the author


Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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