Specific Taxes in Hong Kong

Specific Taxes in Hong Kong

Beyond corporate and personal income taxes, Hong Kong imposes a diverse range of specific taxes that contribute to its fiscal landscape. These taxes encompass various aspects of economic activity and individual wealth, serving specific purposes and policy objectives.

Value-Added Tax (VAT)

VAT is a consumption tax levied on the sale of goods and services. It is a comprehensive tax that applies to most business transactions, with a standard rate of 5%. Certain goods and services, such as food and beverages, are exempt from VAT.

Property Tax

Property tax is an annual tax levied on the ownership of immovable property, including land, buildings, and fixtures. The tax rate varies depending on the property's value and location. Residential properties are subject to a lower tax rate than commercial properties.

Environmental Taxes

Hong Kong imposes environmental taxes to discourage harmful environmental practices and promote sustainability. These taxes include:

  • Air Pollution Control (Amendment) Ordinance: Levies a tax on specified air pollutants emitted by stationary sources, such as power plants and factories.
  • Carbon Tax: Imposes a tax on fossil fuels used for electricity generation and other industrial processes.
  • Waste Disposal Charge: Charges a fee for the disposal of municipal solid waste at landfills.

Stamp Duty

Stamp duty is a tax levied on various legal documents and transactions, including property transfers, share transfers, and loan agreements. The tax rate varies depending on the type of document and the value of the transaction.

Betting Duty

Betting duty is a tax levied on bets placed on horse races, football matches, and other sporting events. The tax rate is 10% of the bet amount.

Motor Vehicle First Registration Tax

This tax is levied on the first registration of a motor vehicle in Hong Kong. The tax rate varies depending on the vehicle's engine capacity and type.

Tobacco Duty

Tobacco duty is a tax levied on the import, manufacture, and sale of tobacco products. The tax rate is based on the weight of the tobacco product.

Alcohol Duty

Alcohol duty is a tax levied on the import, manufacture, and sale of alcoholic beverages. The tax rate varies depending on the type and alcohol content of the beverage.

Taxpayers Subject to Specific Taxes

The taxpayers subject to specific taxes in Hong Kong vary depending on the tax in question.

  • VAT: Businesses engaged in the supply of goods and services are liable for VAT.
  • Property Tax: Property owners, including individuals, companies, and trusts, are liable for property tax.
  • Environmental Taxes: Companies and individuals engaged in activities with environmental impacts are liable for environmental taxes.
  • Stamp Duty: Parties involved in transactions subject to stamp duty, such as property buyers, shareholders, and parties to contracts, are liable for stamp duty.
  • Betting Duty: Individuals placing bets on sporting events are liable for betting duty.
  • Motor Vehicle First Registration Tax: Individuals registering a motor vehicle for the first time in Hong Kong are liable for motor vehicle first registration tax.
  • Tobacco Duty: Importers, manufacturers, and sellers of tobacco products are liable for tobacco duty.
  • Alcohol Duty: Importers, manufacturers, and sellers of alcoholic beverages are liable for alcohol duty.

The legal framework governing specific taxes in Hong Kong includes:

  • Inland Revenue Ordinance (Chapter 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
  • Stamp Duty Ordinance (Chapter 117 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
  • Betting Duty Ordinance (Chapter 108 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
  • Motor Vehicle First Registration Tax Ordinance (Chapter 333 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
  • Tobacco Duty Ordinance (Chapter 109 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
  • Alcohol Duty Ordinance (Chapter 101 of the Laws of Hong Kong)

These legal statutes outline the obligations, rates, and procedures for the collection of specific taxes in Hong Kong.

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About the author


Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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