Practical Guide to Obtaining Your Tax Residency in Sint Maarten

Practical Guide to Obtaining Your Tax Residency in Sint Maarten

Welcome to the picturesque island of Sint Maarten, where the sun, sea, and sand meet to create the perfect backdrop for your new tax residency. Whether you're a digital nomad, an expat, or a location-independent worker, establishing tax residency here offers you the opportunity to enjoy a tropical lifestyle while meeting your fiscal responsibilities. Follow this comprehensive guide to navigate the process seamlessly.

Step 1: Obtain a Temporary Residence Permit

First, you need to apply for a temporary residence permit. This involves submitting an application to the Immigration and Border Protection Service of Sint Maarten. You'll need to provide personal identification documents, such as a valid passport, proof of sufficient financial means, and a clean criminal record. Ensure all documents are accurately filled out and submitted in a timely manner.

Step 2: Physical Presence

You must be physically present in Sint Maarten for at least 183 days during the calendar year. This is crucial for meeting the residency requirements. Keep thorough records of your time spent on the island, including travel dates and accommodation receipts.

Step 3: Establish a Permanent Home

To demonstrate your commitment to Sint Maarten, you need to establish a permanent home on the island. This could be in the form of renting or purchasing property. Ensure that you have a valid lease or property deed in your name, as this will be a key component of your residency application.

Step 4: Register with the Civil Registry

Once you have a permanent address, you must register with the Civil Registry (Census Office). This registration is mandatory and serves as an official record of your residence in Sint Maarten. You will need to provide proof of your address and identification documents.

Step 5: Open a Local Bank Account

Opening a local bank account is another step in establishing your economic ties to Sint Maarten. This will be useful for managing your finances, including paying bills and receiving income. Most banks will require proof of residence, identification documents, and an initial deposit.

Step 6: Apply for a Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Finally, you need to apply for a Tax Identification Number (TIN) from the Sint Maarten Tax Administration. This number is essential for all your tax-related matters. The application process involves filling out a form and providing necessary documentation, such as proof of residence and identification.

Legal References

  • National Ordinance on Admission and Expulsion (LTU)
  • Civil Code of Sint Maarten
  • Tax Ordinance of Sint Maarten

Useful Links

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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