Practical Guide to Obtaining Your Tax Residency in Nigeria

Practical Guide to Obtaining Your Tax Residency in Nigeria

Welcome to the vibrant and diverse land of Nigeria! Whether you're a digital nomad, an expat, or a location-independent worker, establishing tax residency in Nigeria is a significant step towards fully embracing your new home. This guide will walk you through the detailed steps to achieve your tax residency in Nigeria.

Step 1: Determine Eligibility

To become a tax resident in Nigeria, you must either spend a minimum of 183 days in Nigeria within a 12-month period or have a permanent place of abode in Nigeria and intend to reside there permanently.

Step 2: Obtain a Residence Permit

Before you can be considered a tax resident, you must have a valid residence permit. This involves applying to the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) and providing necessary documentation such as a valid passport, visa, and proof of stay.

Step 3: Register with the Tax Authorities

Register with the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). You will need to complete the Taxpayer Registration Form and provide documentation, including your residence permit, passport, and proof of Nigerian address.

Step 4: Obtain a Tax Identification Number (TIN)

After registering with FIRS, you will be issued a Tax Identification Number (TIN), which is required for all tax-related activities in Nigeria. This number is crucial for filing taxes and accessing various government services.

Step 5: Open a Nigerian Bank Account

Having a local bank account is essential for managing your finances in Nigeria. Most banks will require your TIN, proof of residence, and identification documents to open an account.

Step 6: Maintain Accurate Records

Keep detailed records of your income, expenses, and any tax payments made. This is important for compliance and ease of filing your tax returns annually.

Step 7: File Annual Tax Returns

As a tax resident, you are required to file annual tax returns with FIRS. Ensure that you declare all worldwide income and adhere to the deadlines set by the tax authorities.

Legal References

  • Personal Income Tax Act (Cap P8 LFN 2004)
  • Companies Income Tax Act (Cap C21 LFN 2004)
  • Federal Inland Revenue Service (Establishment) Act 2007
  • Nigerian Immigration Act, 2015

Useful Links

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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