Practical Guide to Obtaining Your Tax Residency in Dominican Republic

Practical Guide to Obtaining Your Tax Residency in Dominican Republic

Welcome to the Dominican Republic, a sun-kissed Caribbean paradise perfect for digital nomads, expats, and location-independent workers seeking a vibrant lifestyle and favorable tax residency. Follow this detailed guide to secure your tax residency in the Dominican Republic and start enjoying the benefits of living and working here.

Step 1: Obtain a Residence Visa

The first step towards tax residency is obtaining a residence visa. You must apply for this visa at a Dominican consulate or embassy in your home country. Required documents usually include a valid passport, a completed visa application form, a recent photograph, a copy of your birth certificate, proof of economic solvency, and a police clearance certificate. Once you have gathered all necessary documents, submit your application and pay the applicable fees.

Step 2: Enter the Dominican Republic

Upon receiving your residence visa, you must enter the Dominican Republic within the visa's validity period. This step is crucial as it initiates the process of establishing your presence in the country.

Step 3: Apply for a Temporary Residence Permit

Within 60 days of your arrival, you must apply for a temporary residence permit at the General Directorate of Migration (Dirección General de Migración). For this application, you will need your residence visa, a completed application form, a valid passport, a medical certificate, proof of economic solvency, a police clearance certificate, and a set of recent photographs. Submit your application along with the required fees.

Step 4: Obtain a Dominican Identification Card (Cédula)

After securing your temporary residence permit, you must obtain a Dominican identification card, known as a cédula. This card is issued by the Central Electoral Board (Junta Central Electoral). To apply, you will need your temporary residence permit, a copy of your passport, and a completed application form. The cédula serves as your official ID in the Dominican Republic.

Step 5: Apply for Permanent Residency

After maintaining your temporary residence status for a specified period (usually one year), you can apply for permanent residency. This involves submitting a new set of documents, including your temporary residence permit, a valid passport, a completed application form, a medical certificate, proof of economic solvency, and a police clearance certificate. Submit your application and pay the necessary fees to the General Directorate of Migration.

Step 6: Register with the Tax Authorities

Once you have obtained permanent residency, you need to register with the Dominican tax authorities (Dirección General de Impuestos Internos - DGII). This registration involves submitting your cédula, proof of residency, and a completed registration form. Upon registration, you will receive a tax identification number (RNC), which is essential for fulfilling your tax obligations in the Dominican Republic.

Legal References

  • Dominican Republic General Immigration Law No. 285-04
  • Regulation of Application of the General Immigration Law No. 631-11
  • Dominican Tax Code (Código Tributario)
  • Law No. 11-92, which establishes the Dominican Tax Code

Useful Links

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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