Practical Guide to Obtaining Your Tax Residency in Colombia

Practical Guide to Obtaining Your Tax Residency in Colombia

Welcome to Colombia! Whether you're a digital nomad, an expat, or a location-independent worker, obtaining tax residency in this vibrant country can open up a world of opportunities. Follow these detailed steps to navigate the process smoothly and legally.

Step 1: Determine Your Physical Presence

To qualify as a tax resident in Colombia, you need to spend a minimum of 183 days within a 365-day period in the country. These days do not need to be consecutive. Ensure you keep a record of your entry and exit dates to prove your physical presence.

Step 2: Obtain a Visa

Secure a visa that allows you to stay in Colombia legally. Common visas for digital nomads and expats include the Migrant (M) visa or the Visitor (V) visa. Make sure your visa aligns with your intended activities and duration of stay.

Step 3: Register with Migración Colombia

Within 15 days of arriving in Colombia, you must register your visa with Migración Colombia. This involves filling out forms and providing necessary documents such as your passport, visa, and entry stamp. You will receive a foreigner identification card (Cedula de Extranjería).

Step 4: Set Up a Colombian Address

Establish a physical address in Colombia. This could be a rental property, a purchased home, or even a co-living space. Your address will be used for official correspondence and is a requirement for tax residency.

Step 5: Open a Colombian Bank Account

While not mandatory, opening a local bank account can facilitate financial transactions and demonstrate your commitment to residing in Colombia. You will need your Cedula de Extranjería and proof of address to open an account.

Step 6: Register with the DIAN

The National Directorate of Taxes and Customs (DIAN) is the Colombian tax authority. You must register with DIAN to obtain a Tax Identification Number (NIT). This involves filling out forms and providing documents such as your Cedula de Extranjería and proof of address.

Step 7: File a Tax Return

As a tax resident, you are required to file an annual tax return with DIAN. This includes reporting your worldwide income. Ensure you comply with all filing requirements and deadlines to maintain your tax residency status.

Legal References

  • Article 10 of the Colombian Tax Code (Estatuto Tributario)
  • Resolution 000114 of 2020 from DIAN
  • Migración Colombia regulations

Useful Links

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About the author


Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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