Practical Guide to Obtaining Your Tax Residency in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Practical Guide to Obtaining Your Tax Residency in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a hidden gem for digital nomads, expats, and location-independent workers seeking to establish tax residency. Nestled in the heart of the Balkans, this country offers a unique blend of rich history, stunning landscapes, and a welcoming atmosphere for foreigners. Follow this step-by-step guide to navigate the process of obtaining your tax residency in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Step 1: Entry Visa and Residence Permit

First, ensure you have the appropriate entry visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina. Once you arrive, apply for a temporary residence permit at the local police administration office. You will need to provide your passport, a valid reason for your stay (such as employment or self-employment), proof of accommodation, and health insurance. The temporary residence permit is typically valid for one year and can be renewed.

Step 2: Registration of Temporary Residence

After obtaining your temporary residence permit, you must register your temporary residence address with the local municipal office. This registration should be done within 48 hours of obtaining your temporary residence permit. You will need to provide your temporary residence permit, passport, and proof of accommodation.

Step 3: Obtaining a Unique Identification Number (JMBG)

Next, apply for a Unique Master Citizen Number (JMBG) at the local municipal office. This number is essential for various administrative processes, including tax registration. You will need your temporary residence permit, passport, and birth certificate.

Step 4: Tax Registration

With your JMBG in hand, you can now proceed to the tax administration office to register as a taxpayer in Bosnia and Herzegovina. You will need to complete the relevant tax registration forms and provide your JMBG, temporary residence permit, passport, and proof of income. Once registered, you will receive a tax identification number (TIN).

Step 5: Open a Bank Account

To facilitate financial transactions, open a local bank account. Most banks will require your passport, temporary residence permit, JMBG, and tax identification number (TIN). Having a local bank account is essential for managing your finances and receiving income while residing in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Step 6: Comply with Tax Obligations

As a tax resident, you are required to comply with Bosnia and Herzegovina's tax obligations. This includes filing annual tax returns and paying any applicable taxes on your global income. Stay informed about tax deadlines and ensure timely compliance to avoid penalties.

Legal References

  • Law on Foreigners of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Law on Residence of Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Law on the Tax Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Useful Links

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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