Personal Income Tax in Cyprus

Personal Income Tax in Cyprus

Personal income tax in Cyprus is calculated based on the following steps, based on the Income Tax Law (Law 118(I)/2002) and subsequent amendments:

  • Determine the individual's total taxable income for the tax year.
  • Apply the applicable tax rates to the taxable income to calculate the tax liability.
  • Deduct any eligible tax credits or deductions to arrive at the final tax payable.]

Taxable income in Cyprus includes:

Taxable Income (EUR) Tax Rate (%)
Up to 19,500 0%
19,501 - 28,000 20%
28,001 - 36,300 25%
36,301 - 60,000 30%
Over 60,000 35%
  • Employment income
  • Rental income
  • Interest income
  • Dividend income
  • Business profits
  • Capital gains
  • Pension income
  • Foreign income for tax residents

Certain types of income are exempt from taxation in Cyprus, including:

  • Dividends received from a Cyprus resident company (subject to conditions).
  • Interest income (e.g., bank interest, government bonds).
  • Profits from the sale of securities.
  • Certain pension income.
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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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