Legal Forms for Businesses in Estonia

Legal Forms for Businesses in Estonia

Sole Proprietorship (Üksikettevõtja):

  • Characteristics: Owned and operated by a single individual.
  • Benefits: Simple and inexpensive to establish and operate.
  • Limitations: Unlimited personal liability for business debts and obligations.
  • Legal Obligations: Personal income tax obligations for the owner.
  • Tax Implications: Profits taxed as personal income.
  • Legal References: Commercial Code §§ 64-70.

Private Limited Company (Osaühing, OÜ):

  • Characteristics: Separate legal entity with limited liability for shareholders.
  • Benefits: Limited liability, separate legal personality, and flexibility in management.
  • Limitations: More complex and costly to establish and maintain than sole proprietorships.
  • Legal Obligations: Compliance with company law and financial reporting requirements.
  • Tax Implications: Corporate income tax on profits distributed as dividends.
  • Legal References: Commercial Code §§ 149-227.

Public Limited Company (Aktsiaselts, AS):

  • Characteristics: Company with transferable shares and limited liability for shareholders.
  • Benefits: Access to capital markets, limited liability for shareholders.
  • Limitations: More stringent regulatory requirements and reporting obligations.
  • Legal Obligations: Compliance with company law, financial reporting, and corporate governance standards.
  • Tax Implications: Corporate income tax on profits distributed as dividends.
  • Legal References: Commercial Code §§ 228-295.

Freelancer (Vabakutseline, Income Tax Act (ITA).):

  • Criteria: Self-employed individuals providing services on a contractual basis.
  • Rights: Flexibility in work arrangements and client selection.
  • Responsibilities: Self-employment tax obligations, invoicing clients, managing business expenses.
  • Tax Considerations: Personal income tax on earnings.

Registration Process and Costs:

Sole Proprietorship (Commercial Code §§ 64-70.):

  • Registration: Submit application to the Commercial Register.
  • Cost: Registration fee of 145 EUR (as of 2024).
  • Timeline: Typically processed within 1-5 business days.

Private Limited Company: (Commercial Code §§ 149-227.)

  • Registration: Prepare Articles of Association, notarize documents, and submit to the Commercial Register.
  • Cost: Notary and state fees totaling approximately 250 EUR (as of 2024).
  • Timeline: Incorporation typically completed within 3-5 business days.

Public Limited Company: (Commercial Code §§ 228-295.)

  • Registration: Prepare Articles of Association, notarize documents, and submit to the Commercial Register.
  • Cost: Notary and state fees totaling approximately 500 EUR (as of 2024).
  • Timeline: Incorporation typically completed within 3-5 business days.
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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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