Kicking-off our blog

Kicking-off our blog

There we are.

After a few months working on calibrating our solution to the specific needs of location-independents and remote-first companies, we are now kicking-off our blog.

Why a new blog about taxes? What's our differentiator?

Our approach at Heavnn is technology driven or tech-enabled. That means that we are not providing tax consulting work to our clients.

Instead, we decided to offer you a technology product already including the tax intelligence needed for you to optimize your global tax situation and implement the right setup.

Our goal: letting you solve your complex global tax challenges with simplicity, precision and confidence.

But there is still one question: what are those global tax challenges? Most importantly, what are YOUR specific global tax challenges?

Our service is comprehensive and therefore will handle all matters from the design of your global optimization scenario to its implementation with local administrations (tax returns, personal registration, business registration ...).

However, this is a very quick process done in a few clicks and some curious minds would probably like to know how all this works.

How we know for sure what are the tax issues that need to be taken care of in your specific situation.

How we know for sure which professional status will suit you the best in your location-independent journey.

How we know for sure which global setup will delight you both, you and your remote employer, if you are an international remote worker.

This is why we're creating this blog. You'll learn plenty about international taxes, our data-driven methodology and the specific financial opportunities available to location-independents.

We'll also (sometimes) post about our own challenges related to work as a distributed team, digital nomadism and entrepreneurship as a remote-first company.

Don't hesitate to jump into this journey with us! Read our articles, comment, ask questions.

Heavnn is not only made for you, it's also made with you.

About the author


Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

Heavnn University

Find the information you are looking for about taxes and location-independent strategies for digital nomads, remote workers and remote-first companies. Learn how to use it to your advantage.

Heavnn University

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