Corporate Income Taxes in Saint Kitts and Nevis

Corporate Income Taxes in Saint Kitts and Nevis

Corporate Income Tax System in Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis, a dual-island nation in the Caribbean, offers a favorable corporate income tax regime that has made it an attractive destination for international businesses. The country's tax system is designed to promote economic growth and investment while ensuring fairness and transparency.

Methodology for Calculating Corporate Income Tax

The corporate income tax liability in Saint Kitts and Nevis is calculated based on the taxable income of a company. Taxable income is determined by deducting allowable expenses and losses from the company's gross income. The following steps are involved in calculating the tax liability:

  1. Determination of Gross Income: Gross income includes all revenue earned by the company from its business activities, such as sales of goods or services, interest income, and dividends.
  2. Deductions and Allowances: Allowable deductions and expenses include costs incurred in generating income, such as salaries, rent, utilities, and depreciation. Certain allowances, such as capital allowances for investments in fixed assets, may also be deducted.
  3. Taxable Income: Taxable income is calculated by subtracting allowable deductions and expenses from gross income.
  4. Tax Rate Application: The applicable corporate income tax rate is then applied to the taxable income to determine the tax liability.

Corporate Tax Rates

Saint Kitts and Nevis has a single corporate income tax rate of 33%. This rate applies to all companies, regardless of their size or industry.

Taxable Income

Taxable income for corporations in Saint Kitts and Nevis includes all income derived from business activities within the country. This includes:

  • Trading income
  • Investment income
  • Rental income
  • Royalties
  • Capital gains


Certain types of income are exempt from corporate income tax in Saint Kitts and Nevis. These include:

  • Dividends received from other companies
  • Interest income from government bonds
  • Capital gains from the sale of shares in certain qualifying companies

The legal framework governing the corporate income tax system in Saint Kitts and Nevis is primarily based on the following legislation:

  • Income Tax Act, Cap. 20.01: This Act provides the general framework for corporate income taxation, including tax rates, taxable income definitions, and exemptions.
  • Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 2019: This Act introduced amendments to the Income Tax Act, including the reduction of the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 33%.

Objectives of the Corporate Income Tax System

The corporate income tax system in Saint Kitts and Nevis aims to achieve several objectives:

  • Revenue Generation: Corporate income tax is a significant source of revenue for the government, contributing to the provision of public services and infrastructure.
  • Economic Growth: The favorable tax regime is designed to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth by encouraging businesses to establish and operate in Saint Kitts and Nevis.
  • Fairness and Transparency: The tax system is designed to ensure fairness and transparency by applying a uniform tax rate to all companies and providing clear guidelines for determining taxable income and exemptions.


Saint Kitts and Nevis offers a competitive corporate income tax system that provides incentives for investment and economic growth. The single tax rate of 33%, coupled with exemptions for certain types of income, makes the country an attractive destination for businesses seeking a favorable tax environment. The legal framework governing the tax system is clear and transparent, ensuring fairness and compliance.

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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