Business Expenses in Kosovo

Business Expenses in Kosovo

The Law on Corporate Income Tax (LCIT) in Kosovo governs the deductibility of business expenses. The general principle is that expenses incurred wholly and exclusively for generating business income are deductible. However, certain limitations and exclusions apply.

Deductible Expenses

Expense TypeConditions for DeductibilityRelevant Law Article
Operating ExpensesMust be directly related to the business activity and necessary for generating income. Includes rent, utilities, supplies, repairs and maintenance, etc.LCIT, Article 10.1
Employee Salaries and BenefitsMust be reasonable and in line with industry standards. Includes salaries, wages, bonuses, social security contributions, and other benefits.LCIT, Article 10.2
Depreciation and AmortizationCalculated based on the useful life of assets and allowable depreciation methods. Includes buildings, machinery, equipment, and intangible assets.LCIT, Article 11
Interest ExpensesMust be incurred on loans used for business purposes. Limitations may apply to interest paid to related parties.LCIT, Article 10.3
Bad DebtsMust be proven to be uncollectible and written off in accordance with accounting standards.LCIT, Article 10.4
Research and Development ExpensesMust be incurred for the purpose of creating new products, processes, or services.LCIT, Article 10.5
Travel and Entertainment ExpensesMust be directly related to business activities and reasonable in amount. Subject to specific limits and documentation requirements.LCIT, Article 10.6
Start-up ExpensesMay be deductible over a period of five years.LCIT, Article 10.7

Non-Deductible Expenses

Expense TypeReason for Non-DeductibilityRelevant Law Article
Fines and PenaltiesConsidered punitive in nature and not incurred for the purpose of generating income.LCIT, Article 10.8
Personal ExpensesNot related to business activities. Includes personal living expenses, entertainment not related to business, and personal use of company assets.LCIT, Article 10.9
Bribes and KickbacksIllegal and unethical practices.LCIT, Article 10.10
Political ContributionsNot considered a legitimate business expense.LCIT, Article 10.11
Excessive Remuneration to Related PartiesTo prevent tax avoidance through artificial profit shifting.LCIT, Article 10.12

Expenses with Limitations

Expense TypeLimitationRelevant Law Article
Interest Expenses on Loans from Related PartiesDeductible only up to the market interest rate.LCIT, Article 10.3
Travel and Entertainment ExpensesSubject to specific limits on meals, accommodation, and gifts.LCIT, Article 10.6
Depreciation of Luxury CarsLimited to a maximum annual depreciation amount.LCIT, Article 11.4
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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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