Business Expenses in Hong Kong

Business Expenses in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, the Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO) governs the deductibility of business expenses for Profits Tax purposes. The general principle is that expenses must be wholly, exclusively, and necessarily incurred in the production of assessable profits to be deductible.

Deductible Expenses

Expense TypeDescriptionConditions/RequirementsRelevant Law
Operational CostsRent, utilities, office supplies, repair and maintenance, travel expenses (business-related only).Must be incurred solely for business purposes, reasonable in amount, and supported by proper documentation.Section 16(1) of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO)
Employee Salaries and BenefitsWages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, MPF contributions, medical insurance, staff welfare.Must be reasonable in amount and incurred in the course of employment.Section 16(1) of the IRO
Bad DebtsDebts that are irrecoverable.Must be written off in the accounts and relate to trade debts.Section 16(1)(d) of the IRO
DepreciationWear and tear of tangible assets like machinery, equipment, and buildings.Must be calculated based on the Inland Revenue Department's depreciation rates.Section 16(1)(c) of the IRO
Research and Development (R&D) ExpensesCosts incurred for qualifying R&D activities conducted in Hong Kong.Must meet specific criteria and be pre-approved by the Innovation and Technology Commission.Section 16F of the IRO

Non-Deductible Expenses

Expense TypeDescriptionRationale for ExclusionRelevant Law
Domestic or Private ExpensesPersonal living expenses, family expenses, etc.Not incurred in the production of assessable profits.Section 17(1)(a) of the IRO
Expenses Not for the Purpose of TradeExpenses for activities unrelated to the company's trade or business.Not incurred in the production of assessable profits.Section 17(1)(b) of the IRO
Capital ExpenditureCosts incurred for acquiring or improving fixed assets.Treated as capital in nature, not revenue expenditure.Section 17(1)(c) of the IRO
Fines and PenaltiesFines for legal violations or penalties imposed by government authorities.Not incurred in the production of assessable profits and discourage illegal activities.Section 17(1)(e) of the IRO

Expenses with Limitations on Deductibility

Expense TypeLimitationRelevant Law
Entertainment Expenses50% of the expenditure is deductible.Section 17(2)(k) of the IRO
Motor Vehicle ExpensesDeduction for private use must be added back to assessable profits.Section 17(2)(mb) of the IRO
Tax ReservesDeductions are subject to specific rules and may be disallowed if excessive.Section 16(2) of the IRO
Expenses Paid to Related PartiesMust be on an arm's length basis and not excessive.Section 16(2) of the IRO
Lease Reinstatement Costs (New for 2024/25)Tax deduction allowed for costs incurred to reinstate leased premises to their original condition.Section 16 of the IRO (amendment)
Industrial and Commercial Building Allowances (2024/25 onwards)Time limit for claiming allowances for industrial and commercial buildings and structures has been removed.Section 16 of the IRO (amendment)
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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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