Tax Treaties of Spain

Tax Treaties of Spain

Tax Treaties of Spain

Country Date of Treaty
Algeria 29/12/1978
Argentina 10/02/1979
Australia 13/10/2011
Austria 21/12/1967
Belgium 25/07/1970
Bolivia 16/06/1989
Brazil 03/06/1989
Canada 14/02/1980
Chile 15/03/2013
China 17/11/1990
Colombia 03/11/2015
Costa Rica 23/05/2014
Cuba 05/02/1991
Cyprus 21/02/2014
Czech Republic 07/07/1987
Denmark 10/10/1975
Dominican Republic 28/10/1993
Ecuador 06/04/1994
Egypt 15/01/1996
El Salvador 09/11/2012
Estonia 07/11/2001
Finland 22/06/1970
France 17/10/1966
Germany 03/07/1966
Greece 15/02/1978
Guatemala 12/06/2013
Honduras 16/11/2012
Hungary 22/05/2001
Iceland 10/06/1991
India 28/10/1993
Indonesia 16/01/1993
Ireland 29/10/2002
Israel 17/12/1990
Italy 20/06/1989
Jamaica 22/10/2010
Japan 09/07/1974
Jordan 23/05/2003
Kazakhstan 12/12/2006
Korea, Republic of 28/10/1993
Kuwait 23/04/2009
Latvia 04/10/1997
Lithuania 18/12/2000
Luxembourg 02/06/1966
Macedonia 05/03/2009
Malaysia 22/03/2012
Malta 18/02/2013
Mexico 12/09/1992
Moldova 11/05/2012
Morocco 21/11/1977
Netherlands 19/06/1971
New Zealand 16/06/2009
Nicaragua 11/02/2013
Norway 08/12/1969
Oman 27/07/2010
Pakistan 10/04/2006
Panama 10/07/2014
Paraguay 07/11/2008
Peru 07/06/2014
Philippines 27/03/2013
Poland 13/06/1992
Portugal 11/05/1994
Qatar 25/05/2010
Romania 07/11/1994
Russia 08/02/1991
Saudi Arabia 24/03/2011
Senegal 26/10/2009
Singapore 22/05/2007
Slovakia 22/12/1998
Slovenia 12/10/1999
South Africa 04/02/1999
Sweden 13/06/1972
Switzerland 08/11/1966
Syria 23/10/2003
Taiwan 28/11/2013
Thailand 20/12/2016
Trinidad and Tobago 08/06/2013
Tunisia 20/03/1992
Turkey 18/02/1993
Ukraine 21/02/2007
United Arab Emirates 28/10/2010
United Kingdom 14/03/1975
United States 22/02/1991
Uruguay 25/07/2012
Uzbekistan 17/07/2012
Venezuela 12/06/1995
Vietnam 15/07/2016
Zambia 05/06/2018
Zimbabwe 05/06/2018

Countries without Tax Treaties with Spain

While Spain has established tax treaties with a vast number of countries, there are still some nations with which it does not have any tax treaties. Notable countries without tax treaties with Spain include:

  • Afghanistan
  • Bhutan
  • North Korea
  • Turkmenistan
  • Western Sahara

There may be ongoing discussions or negotiations for future tax treaties with certain countries not currently listed. However, specific information regarding potential future treaties would require further research and verification from authoritative sources.

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About the author


Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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