Tax Landscape Overview of Bahrain

Tax Landscape Overview of Bahrain

1. Introduction to Bahrain

Bahrain, officially known as the Kingdom of Bahrain, is an archipelago nation situated in the Persian Gulf. It is an island country consisting of 50 natural islands and 33 artificial islands, with a total land area of approximately 765 square kilometers. Bahrain is strategically located at the entrance to the Gulf, bordering Saudi Arabia to the west and Qatar to the southeast.

Bahrain has a rich history dating back to ancient times. It was once a major trading hub and a center of the Dilmun civilization. In the 18th century, Bahrain became a British protectorate and gained independence in 1971. Today, Bahrain is a constitutional monarchy with a population of approximately 1.7 million people.

2. Recent Economic Developments in Bahrain

Bahrain's economy has undergone significant transformation in recent years. Traditionally reliant on oil and gas, the country has been actively diversifying its economy to reduce its dependence on hydrocarbons. The government has implemented various initiatives to promote non-oil sectors, including tourism, financial services, manufacturing, and logistics.

One of the most recent and impactful economic developments in Bahrain is the establishment of the Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) in 2000. The EDB is a government agency responsible for attracting foreign investment and promoting economic growth. The EDB has played a crucial role in attracting major international companies to Bahrain, including Amazon Web Services, Mondelez International, and Procter & Gamble.

Another significant economic development is the launch of the Bahrain Bourse in 2010. The Bahrain Bourse is a stock exchange that provides a platform for companies to raise capital and for investors to trade stocks. The establishment of the Bahrain Bourse has contributed to the development of Bahrain's capital markets and has attracted foreign investors.

3. Tax Law Changes in Bahrain

Bahrain's tax legislation has undergone several changes in recent years. In 2018, Bahrain introduced a value-added tax (VAT) of 5%. VAT is a consumption tax levied on the sale of goods and services. The introduction of VAT has had a significant impact on businesses and consumers in Bahrain.

In 2022, Bahrain introduced a new corporate tax law. The new law imposes a 15% corporate tax on all businesses operating in Bahrain. The corporate tax law is expected to generate additional revenue for the government and contribute to the country's economic diversification efforts.

The introduction of VAT and corporate tax has brought Bahrain's tax regime in line with international standards. These changes are expected to enhance Bahrain's attractiveness as a destination for foreign investment and contribute to the country's long-term economic growth.

If delving into the depths of Bahraini tax rules and regulations isn't your style, and you'd rather have experts take the reins, then Heavnn is here to help. Let us simplify your tax planning journey. Access Heavnn's blend of professional expertise and cutting-edge technology by clicking the button below.

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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