Practical Guide to Ceasing Your Tax Residency in Norway

Practical Guide to Ceasing Your Tax Residency in Norway

Thinking about leaving Norway and ceasing your tax residency? Whether you're relocating for work, family, or a new adventure, it's essential to understand the steps you need to take to officially cease your tax residency in Norway. Follow this comprehensive guide to ensure you're fully compliant with Norwegian tax laws.

Notification to Tax Authorities

You must notify the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) of your intention to cease your tax residency. This can be done by submitting a notification of change of address or emigration. Ensure that all forms are filled out accurately and completely.

Deregistration from the National Population Register

Inform the National Population Register (Folkeregisteret) about your departure. This can be done by submitting a 'Notification to the National Population Register' form. This step is crucial as it officially records your departure from Norway.

Settle Outstanding Taxes

Ensure that all outstanding taxes are settled before you leave. This includes any income tax, wealth tax, and any other taxes that you may owe. Contact the tax authorities to get a final statement of your tax liabilities.

Close Norwegian Bank Accounts

Close any Norwegian bank accounts you no longer need. Inform your bank about your departure and ensure that all transactions are settled. This helps in preventing any future tax implications in Norway.

Cancel or Transfer Norwegian Insurance Policies

Review all your insurance policies in Norway, including health, home, and car insurance. Cancel or transfer these policies as necessary. Inform your insurance providers about your departure to avoid any future obligations.

Review and update any legal documents, such as wills, powers of attorney, and contracts. Ensure that these documents reflect your new residency status. This step is important to avoid any legal complications after you leave Norway.

Legal References

  • Skatteloven § 2-1
  • Folkeregisterloven § 6-1
  • Skatteforvaltningsloven § 8-1

Useful Links

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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