Practical Guide to Ceasing Your Tax Residency in Grenada

Practical Guide to Ceasing Your Tax Residency in Grenada

Transitioning from being a tax resident in Grenada involves specific legal procedures. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to cease your tax residency in Grenada effectively and legally.

Step 1: Confirm Your Residency Status

The first step is to confirm your current residency status. Review your tax records and ensure that you have been recognized as a tax resident in Grenada. This status is typically determined by the number of days you have spent in the country during a tax year.

Step 2: Notify the Inland Revenue Division (IRD)

You must inform the Inland Revenue Division (IRD) of your intention to cease your tax residency. This notification should be in writing and include your full name, tax identification number, and the date you plan to cease residency. The IRD may require additional documentation to support your request.

Step 3: Settle All Outstanding Tax Liabilities

Ensure that all your tax liabilities up to the date of cessation are fully settled. This includes income tax, property tax, and any other taxes you may owe. Obtain a tax clearance certificate from the IRD to confirm that you have no outstanding tax obligations.

Step 4: Provide Proof of New Residency

To cease being a tax resident in Grenada, you will need to provide proof of your new residency status in another jurisdiction. This could include a residency certificate, a lease agreement, or utility bills from your new place of residence.

Step 5: Update Personal Records

Update all personal records, including your address with financial institutions, employers, and any other relevant entities. Ensure that your new residency status is reflected in all pertinent records to avoid any confusion or legal issues.

Step 6: Await Confirmation from the IRD

After submitting all required documentation and settling your tax liabilities, await confirmation from the IRD. They will review your application and, if everything is in order, formally acknowledge the cessation of your tax residency.

Legal References

  • Income Tax Act, Cap 149
  • Tax Administration Act, Cap 309
  • Property Tax Act, Cap 257

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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