Practical Guide to Ceasing Your Tax Residency in Bolivia

Practical Guide to Ceasing Your Tax Residency in Bolivia

Are you planning to cease your tax residency in Bolivia? Whether you're relocating for work, adventure, or simply a change of scenery, it's important to follow the proper steps to ensure a smooth transition. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process of terminating your tax residency in Bolivia.

Step 1: Notify the National Tax Service (SIN)

Submit a formal notification to the National Tax Service (Servicio de Impuestos Nacionales, SIN) indicating your intention to cease tax residency. This can be done through a written communication or an online submission through the SIN portal. Make sure to include your personal details, tax identification number, and the effective date of cessation.

Step 2: Settle Outstanding Tax Obligations

Ensure that all your tax obligations are settled before ceasing your tax residency. This includes paying any outstanding taxes, fines, or penalties. Obtain a tax clearance certificate from SIN, which confirms that you have no pending tax liabilities.

Step 3: Update Your Personal Information

Update your personal information with relevant authorities, including your address and contact details. Notify your bank, employer, and any other institutions where you have registered your tax residency status.

Step 4: Close or Update Business Registrations

If you have any business activities in Bolivia, make sure to close or update your business registrations with the relevant authorities. This may involve deregistering your business or updating the ownership information if you are transferring the business to another individual.

Step 5: File Final Tax Returns

Prepare and file your final tax returns with SIN. This includes declaring your income up to the date of cessation and ensuring all deductions and credits are accurately reported. Make sure to keep copies of all submitted documents for your records.

Step 6: Obtain a Certificate of Tax Non-Residency

Request a certificate of tax non-residency from SIN. This certificate serves as official proof that you are no longer considered a tax resident of Bolivia. It may be required by foreign tax authorities or institutions in your new country of residence.

Step 7: Keep Records for Future Reference

Maintain copies of all communications, certificates, and tax returns related to your cessation of tax residency. These documents may be necessary for future reference, especially if you need to provide proof of your tax status to foreign authorities.

Legal References

  • Ley N° 843 (Texto Ordenado) del Impuesto sobre las Utilidades de las Empresas
  • Decreto Supremo N° 24051, Reglamento del Impuesto sobre las Utilidades de las Empresas
  • Resolución Normativa de Directorio N° 10-0016-13

Useful Links

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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