Legal Forms of Business in Monaco

Legal Forms of Business in Monaco

Business Forms and Independent Professional Statuses in Monaco

Monaco, a principality nestled on the French Riviera, offers a favorable business environment with a range of legal forms for companies and independent professional statuses. Understanding these structures is crucial for entrepreneurs and professionals seeking to establish their presence in Monaco.

1. Société Anonyme (SA)

An SA is a public limited company with shares freely tradable on the stock exchange. It requires a minimum capital of €150,000 and at least two shareholders. SAs offer limited liability to shareholders and are subject to stringent regulatory requirements.

2. Société à Responsabilité Limitée (SARL)

A SARL is a private limited liability company with a minimum capital of €15,000. It can have up to 100 shareholders, who enjoy limited liability. SARLs are less regulated than SAs and offer greater flexibility in management.

3. Société en Commandite Simple (SCS)

An SCS is a limited partnership with two types of partners: general partners with unlimited liability and limited partners with liability limited to their investment. SCSs are often used for family businesses or joint ventures.

4. Société en Nom Collectif (SNC)

An SNC is a general partnership where all partners have unlimited liability. It is a simple and cost-effective structure suitable for small businesses.

Independent Professional Statuses

1. Entrepreneur Individuel (EI)

An EI is a sole proprietorship where the business owner is personally liable for all debts and obligations. It is a simple and inexpensive structure suitable for freelancers and small-scale businesses.

2. Profession Libérale

A Profession Libérale is a regulated profession, such as a doctor, lawyer, or architect. Professionals can practice independently or form a partnership. They are subject to specific ethical and professional regulations.

Registration Process and Costs

The registration process for companies and independent professionals in Monaco is straightforward.


  • Submit incorporation documents to the Business Development Agency (Monaco Business)
  • Pay registration fees ranging from €150 to €2,000, depending on the company type
  • Timeframe: 1-2 weeks

Independent Professionals:

  • Register with the relevant professional association
  • Pay registration fees and annual dues
  • Timeframe: Immediate

The establishment and operation of business forms and independent professional statuses in Monaco are governed by the following laws:

  • Law No. 1.163 of 23 December 1993 on Commercial Companies
  • Law No. 1.338 of 7 September 2007 on Independent Professions
  • Ordinance No. 3.576 of 22 March 2013 on the Business Development Agency

These laws provide a comprehensive framework for business formation, registration, and operation, ensuring transparency and compliance.

Navigating the complexities of business structures and independent professional statuses in Monaco can be daunting. If you seek expert guidance, Heavnn is here to assist. Our team of professionals will simplify your journey, ensuring compliance and maximizing your business potential.

Access Heavnn's blend of professional expertise and cutting-edge technology by clicking the button below.

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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