Legal Forms of Business in Hungary

Legal Forms of Business in Hungary

Business Forms and Independent Professional Statuses in Hungary

Hungary offers a diverse range of business structures and independent professional statuses, each tailored to specific business needs and objectives. Understanding the legal and operational frameworks governing these entities is crucial for entrepreneurs and professionals seeking to establish their presence in Hungary.

Business Forms

1. Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is a business owned and operated by a single individual. It is the simplest and most common business form in Hungary, offering flexibility and ease of establishment. However, the owner bears unlimited personal liability for the business's debts and obligations.

2. Partnership

A partnership is a business owned and operated by two or more individuals. Partners share profits and losses and have joint and several liability for the business's debts. Partnerships can be general or limited, with limited partners having limited liability to the extent of their investment.

3. Limited Liability Company (Kft.)

A limited liability company (Kft.) is a separate legal entity with its own assets and liabilities. Shareholders have limited liability, meaning they are not personally liable for the company's debts beyond their investment. Kft.s are popular among small and medium-sized businesses due to their flexibility and tax advantages.

4. Public Limited Company (Nyrt.)

A public limited company (Nyrt.) is a company whose shares are publicly traded on the stock exchange. It is a complex and highly regulated business form suitable for large-scale enterprises seeking access to public capital.

Independent Professional Statuses

1. Freelancer

Freelancers are self-employed individuals who provide services to clients on a contractual basis. They are not employees of any specific employer and have the flexibility to choose their clients and projects. Freelancers are responsible for managing their own business operations, including marketing, invoicing, and tax compliance.

2. Independent Contractor

Independent contractors are similar to freelancers but typically provide services to a single client or a small number of clients. They have more control over their work than employees but are not entitled to employee benefits such as paid time off or health insurance.

Registration Process and Costs

The registration process and costs for business forms and independent professional statuses vary depending on the entity type.

1. Sole Proprietorship

Sole proprietorships are registered with the local trade office. The registration process is straightforward and involves submitting a simple application form and paying a nominal fee.

2. Partnership

Partnerships are registered with the Court of Registration. The registration process is more complex than for sole proprietorships and requires the submission of a partnership agreement and other supporting documents.

3. Limited Liability Company (Kft.)

Kft.s are registered with the Court of Registration. The registration process is similar to that of partnerships and requires the submission of a company charter, articles of association, and other supporting documents.

4. Public Limited Company (Nyrt.)

Nyrt.s are registered with the Hungarian Stock Exchange. The registration process is complex and requires the submission of a prospectus and other supporting documents.

5. Freelancer

Freelancers are not required to register with any government agency. However, they must register with the tax authorities for tax purposes.

6. Independent Contractor

Independent contractors are not required to register with any government agency. However, they must register with the tax authorities for tax purposes.

The establishment and operation of business forms and independent professional statuses in Hungary are governed by various laws and regulations, including:

  • Act IV of 2006 on Companies
  • Act CLXXVI of 2003 on the Registration of Business Entities
  • Act LXXXV of 1996 on Personal Income Tax
  • Act CXX of 1995 on Value Added Tax

These laws provide the legal framework for the formation, registration, and operation of business entities and independent professionals in Hungary.


Hungary offers a wide range of business forms and independent professional statuses to cater to the diverse needs of entrepreneurs and professionals. Understanding the legal and operational frameworks governing these entities is essential for making informed decisions about the most suitable structure for your business.

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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