Legal Forms of Business in Cuba

Legal Forms of Business in Cuba

Business Forms and Independent Professional Statuses in Cuba

Cuba's evolving business landscape offers a range of legal forms for businesses and independent professionals. Understanding these structures is crucial for entrepreneurs seeking to establish a presence in the country.

1. Sociedad Anónima (S.A.)

  • Characteristics: A joint-stock company with limited liability for shareholders.
  • Benefits: Separate legal entity, limited liability, access to capital markets.
  • Limitations: Complex formation process, higher compliance costs.
  • Legal Obligations: Annual financial reporting, shareholder meetings, compliance with corporate governance regulations.
  • Liability: Limited to the company's assets.
  • Tax Implications: Subject to corporate income tax.

2. Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (S.R.L.)

  • Characteristics: A limited liability company with a minimum of two shareholders.
  • Benefits: Limited liability, flexibility in management, lower compliance costs than S.A.
  • Limitations: Limited access to capital markets.
  • Legal Obligations: Annual financial reporting, shareholder meetings, compliance with company law.
  • Liability: Limited to the company's assets.
  • Tax Implications: Subject to corporate income tax.

3. Empresa Estatal (E.E.)

  • Characteristics: A state-owned enterprise with limited liability.
  • Benefits: Access to government support, potential for large-scale operations.
  • Limitations: Government control, limited autonomy.
  • Legal Obligations: Compliance with state regulations, financial reporting to government agencies.
  • Liability: Limited to the company's assets.
  • Tax Implications: Subject to corporate income tax.

Independent Professional Statuses

1. Trabajador por Cuenta Propia (TCP)

  • Criteria: Self-employed individuals engaged in authorized economic activities.
  • Rights: Flexibility in choosing clients and projects, control over work schedule.
  • Responsibilities: Managing own business operations, tax compliance.
  • Tax Considerations: Subject to income tax and social security contributions.

2. Profesional Independiente

  • Criteria: Individuals with professional qualifications (e.g., lawyers, doctors) providing services on a freelance basis.
  • Rights: Similar to TCPs, but may have additional professional obligations.
  • Responsibilities: Maintaining professional standards, tax compliance.
  • Tax Considerations: Subject to income tax and social security contributions.

Registration Process and Costs

Business Forms:

  • S.A. and S.R.L.: Registration with the Registro Mercantil (Commercial Registry), submission of incorporation documents, payment of registration fees.
  • E.E.: Established by government decree, subject to specific regulations.

Independent Statuses:

  • TCP and Profesional Independiente: Registration with the Oficina Nacional de Administración Tributaria (ONAT), payment of registration fees.
  • Ley No. 80 de Inversión Extranjera: Governs foreign investment and business formation in Cuba.
  • Ley No. 113 del Sistema Tributario: Provides tax regulations for businesses and individuals.
  • Decreto-Ley No. 325 de las Sociedades Mercantiles: Regulates the formation and operation of joint-stock companies and limited liability companies.

Navigating Cuba's business landscape can be complex. If you're seeking expert guidance, Heavnn is here to assist. Our team of professionals can help you choose the right business structure, register your entity, and ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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