Legal Forms of Business in Argentina

Legal Forms of Business in Argentina

Business Forms and Independent Professional Statuses in Argentina

Argentina offers a diverse range of business structures and independent professional statuses, each tailored to specific business needs and legal requirements. Understanding the nuances of these entities is crucial for entrepreneurs and professionals seeking to establish their presence in the country.

Business Forms

1. Sociedad Anónima (S.A.)

The S.A. is the most common business form in Argentina, akin to a public limited company. It is a separate legal entity with limited liability for its shareholders. The S.A. requires a minimum of two shareholders and a board of directors.


  • Limited liability for shareholders
  • Access to public capital markets
  • Enhanced credibility


  • Stringent regulatory requirements
  • Higher compliance costs

2. Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (S.R.L.)

The S.R.L. is a private limited liability company, similar to an LLC in other jurisdictions. It offers limited liability to its partners, who are not personally liable for the company's debts. The S.R.L. requires a minimum of two partners and a board of directors.


  • Limited liability for partners
  • Flexibility in ownership and management
  • Lower compliance costs than an S.A.


  • Shares cannot be freely traded
  • May have difficulty raising capital

3. Sociedad Colectiva (S.C.)

The S.C. is a general partnership where all partners have unlimited liability for the company's debts. It is a simple and cost-effective business form, suitable for small businesses and family-owned enterprises.


  • Easy to establish
  • Low compliance costs
  • Shared management and responsibility


  • Unlimited liability for partners
  • Difficulty raising capital

Independent Professional Statuses

1. Autónomo

An autónomo is a self-employed individual who provides professional services on a freelance or contractual basis. They are not considered employees and are responsible for managing their own business operations, including invoicing, marketing, and tax compliance.


  • Engaged in a profession or trade independently
  • Not employed by a specific employer


  • Flexibility in choosing clients and projects
  • Control over work schedule


  • Managing own business operations
  • Compliance with tax and social security obligations

2. Monotributista

A monotributista is a simplified tax regime for small businesses and self-employed individuals with low annual incomes. It offers a simplified tax payment system and reduced administrative burdens.


  • Annual income below a certain threshold
  • Engaged in a specific list of activities


  • Simplified tax payment system
  • Reduced administrative costs


  • Income limits
  • Limited access to certain business activities

Registration Process and Costs

The registration process and costs for business forms and independent professional statuses vary depending on the entity type.

Business Forms:

  • S.A.: Registration fee of approximately $1,000, plus additional fees for name reservation and other services. Timeframe: 1-2 weeks.
  • S.R.L.: Registration fee of approximately $500, plus additional fees. Timeframe: 1-2 weeks.
  • S.C.: Registration fee of approximately $200. Timeframe: Immediate.

Independent Professional Statuses:

  • Autónomo: Registration with the Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP) for tax purposes. No registration fee.
  • Monotributista: Registration with the AFIP. No registration fee.

The establishment and operation of business forms and independent professional statuses in Argentina are governed by various laws and regulations, including:

  • Ley General de Sociedades (Law 19,550): Governs the formation, registration, and operation of companies in Argentina.
  • Ley de Impuesto a las Ganancias (Law 20,628): Provides tax regulations and obligations for businesses and self-employed individuals.
  • Ley de Monotributo (Law 24,977): Regulates the simplified tax regime for small businesses and self-employed individuals.


Argentina offers a diverse range of business forms and independent professional statuses to cater to the needs of entrepreneurs and professionals. Understanding the characteristics, benefits, and legal obligations associated with each entity type is essential for making informed decisions and ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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