Italy Opens Doors to Digital Nomads: A Guide to the New Italian Visa

Discover how Italy's new digital nomad visa can become your ticket to a year of la dolce vita. Learn about eligibility, application steps, and more in our comprehensive guide.
Italy Opens Doors to Digital Nomads: A Guide to the New Italian Visa
Photo by Caleb Miller / Unsplash

Benvenuti! Welcome to the age of the digital nomad where work meets wanderlust – and what better place to do so than Italy? With its scenic landscapes, rich history, and sumptuous cuisine, Italy has long been a bucket-list destination. Now, thanks to the newly introduced digital nomad visa, remote workers from around the globe can call this European gem their home office.

What is Italy's Digital Nomad Visa?

Italy's much-anticipated digital nomad visa allows non-EU citizens to live and work remotely in the country for one year with the potential for renewal. As remote work becomes more mainstream, Italy joins a growing list of countries opening its doors to skilled professionals who want to combine productivity with travel.

Who's Eligible for the Visa?

To qualify for Italy's digital nomad visa, you must be a non-EU citizen engaged in highly qualified remote work. Applicants should earn at least €28,000 annually (around $30,000), as this figure is three times the threshold for exemption from healthcare costs in Italy.

The Application Process

To apply, schedule an in-person appointment at an Italian consulate. You will need:

  • A valid passport with an extra three months' validity beyond your intended stay.
  • Comprehensive health insurance coverage.
  • Proof of accommodation in Italy.
  • A declaration from your employer if you're remotely employed.
  • A criminal record check from any country you've lived in for over six months within the last five years.
  • Proof of income – typically your latest tax return.
  • An Italian tax code (codice fiscale), which you can obtain with assistance from an international tax specialist.

Upon arrival in Italy, within eight days, you must apply for a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno).

Understanding Taxes and Compliance

When moving to Italy as a digital nomad, it's crucial to understand the tax implications. While digital nomads may be required to pay income taxes and social contributions, consulting with an Italian tax expert beforehand can help navigate this complex area and ensure compliance.

Benefits of the Digital Nomad Visa

The new visa provides a pathway for individuals and families to immerse themselves in Italian culture while pursuing professional opportunities. Whether you fancy working by the Amalfi Coast or sipping espresso in a Roman piazza between meetings, the visa offers a blend of work-life balance unparalleled by any other experience.

Italy’s initiative comes at a time when remote work has blurred international borders, allowing individuals to explore and live in destinations they previously only dreamed of. It’s a win-win: digital nomads enjoy an enviable lifestyle while contributing to the local economy.

Embrace 'La Dolce Vita'

The introduction of this visa signifies more than just an administrative change—it heralds a new era of global mobility where life and work are intertwined with cultural exploration. Italy invites you not just to visit but to live, create, and be inspired within its storied cities and idyllic countryside.

Ready to make the move? Heavnn can assist digital nomads like you by streamlining your tax planning. Our AI-driven platform ensures that as you embark on your Italian adventure, you'll maximize tax benefits while fully complying with local regulations—allowing you more time to enjoy that well-deserved gelato under the Tuscan sun.

So dive into this unique opportunity presented by Italy's digital nomad visa—your Italian dream office awaits!

About the author


Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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