How to Choose the Perfect Coworking Space for Your Needs

Evaluate coworking spaces by location, amenities, community vibe, and pricing. Consider specialized work areas, wellness options, and trial periods to find a space that boosts productivity and suits your digital nomad lifestyle.
How to Choose the Perfect Coworking Space for Your Needs
Photo by Dan Gold / Unsplash

Selecting the right coworking space is a crucial decision for digital nomads who require a productive and inspiring environment to work while traveling. With countless options available globally, making the right choice involves considering various factors, including location, amenities, community, and cost. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to evaluate and select the perfect coworking space tailored to your specific needs.


The location of your coworking space plays a vital role in your daily routine and overall experience.

  • Central vs. Peripheral Locations: Consider whether you prefer a coworking space in a bustling city center, close to public transport and amenities, or in a quieter, more residential area. Central locations offer convenience and easy access to business hubs, while peripheral locations might provide a more relaxed environment with fewer distractions.
  • Safety and Accessibility: Ensure the coworking space is in a safe area, especially if you’ll be working late hours. Accessibility is also key—check for wheelchair access, parking availability, and how easy it is to find the space.
  • Proximity to Essential Services: Being near essential services like banks, post offices, and grocery stores can save time and add convenience to your workday. Also, consider proximity to cafés and restaurants where you can take breaks or meet clients.


The quality and variety of amenities provided by a coworking space can greatly enhance your work experience.

  • Specialized Work Areas: Some coworking spaces offer specialized work areas such as podcast studios, video conferencing rooms, and quiet zones for deep focus. If your work involves specific tasks like recording or design work, these amenities can be a deciding factor.
  • Wellness Amenities: Look for coworking spaces that prioritize wellness by offering amenities like standing desks, natural lighting, ergonomic furniture, and even access to wellness programs or gyms. A healthy work environment can boost your productivity and well-being.
  • On-Site Support Services: Consider whether the space offers on-site IT support, reception services, or administrative assistance. These services can save you time and help resolve any technical issues quickly, allowing you to focus on your work.
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Community Atmosphere

The atmosphere and culture of a coworking space can significantly impact your productivity and overall satisfaction.

  • Community Size and Dynamics: Larger coworking spaces may offer more networking opportunities and events, while smaller, more intimate spaces can foster deeper connections and a more personalized experience. Choose a space that matches your preferred community size and interaction level.
  • Diversity and Inclusivity: Some coworking spaces emphasize diversity and inclusivity, creating a welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds. If these values are important to you, seek out spaces known for their commitment to fostering a diverse community.
  • Work-Life Balance Initiatives: Many coworking spaces now offer initiatives that promote work-life balance, such as social events, wellness workshops, and flexible working hours. These can enhance your overall experience and help you integrate work with other aspects of your life.

Pricing and Flexibility

Pricing and flexibility are key considerations, especially for digital nomads with fluctuating schedules and varying budgets.

  • Membership Perks: Some coworking spaces offer perks like discounts at local businesses, access to global coworking networks, or free event tickets. These perks can add significant value to your membership and enhance your experience outside of work.
  • Flexible Payment Options: In addition to flexible membership terms, look for spaces that offer various payment options, such as pay-as-you-go, weekly passes, or discounted long-term plans. This flexibility can help you manage your budget more effectively.
  • Referral and Loyalty Programs: Some coworking spaces have referral or loyalty programs that reward members with discounts or free services for referring new members or staying long-term. These programs can reduce costs and encourage you to stay engaged with the community.

Reviews and Recommendations

Before committing to a coworking space, it’s essential to gather as much information as possible to ensure it meets your needs.

  • Video Tours and Virtual Walkthroughs: Some coworking spaces offer video tours or virtual walkthroughs on their websites. These can give you a better sense of the space’s layout, amenities, and atmosphere before you visit in person.
  • Community Feedback: Engage with online forums, social media groups, or digital nomad communities to get firsthand feedback from people who have used the space. Their insights can provide valuable information that may not be available in official reviews.
  • Trial Periods: Many coworking spaces offer free or discounted trial days. Taking advantage of these can help you test the space’s amenities, internet speed, noise levels, and overall vibe before making a longer-term commitment.

Choosing the perfect coworking space involves careful consideration of various factors, including location, amenities, community, pricing, and reviews. By thoroughly evaluating these aspects, you can find a coworking space that not only meets your practical needs but also enhances your productivity, well-being, and overall digital nomad experience.

For more insights and tips on making the most of your digital nomad lifestyle, visit our other articles in the "Coworking/Coliving" series. The most well-known Coworking Spaces can be found in our article below!

Top 10 Coworking Spaces Worldwide for Digital Nomads
Explore the top 10 coworking spaces for digital nomads, offering unique features like global networks, serene locations, and vibrant communities to boost productivity and enhance your work-life balance.

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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