📬 Heavnn's First Newsletter: Fresh Insights Await

This week's theme is top destinations in Asia, and budgeting tips when traveling as a digital nomad.

Hi there,

Welcome to the very first edition of the Heavnn Weekly Digest, our brand-new newsletter!

We aim to keep our newsletters short and sweet, bringing you the best updates and insights from Heavnn University and global news for digital nomads every week. Dive in for the latest tips, guides, and opportunities to enhance your digital nomad lifestyle.

🌏 Taiwan’s Upcoming Digital Nomad Visa: Taiwan is gearing up to launch a digital nomad visa, allowing remote workers a six-month stay. This initiative aims to attract global talent and boost the local economy. Discover how this new visa can make Taiwan an ideal destination for your remote work adventure.

Taiwan’s Upcoming Digital Nomad Visa: What You Need to Know
Taiwan’s new digital nomad visa allows remote workers a six-month stay, aiming to attract global talent and boost the local economy. Learn more about this exciting opportunity below!

🏝️ Best Countries in Asia to Work and Save Money: After exploring your options in Taiwan, why not consider other top destinations in Asia? Asia offers fantastic destinations for digital nomads looking to balance work and savings. Explore top choices like Bali, Chiang Mai, Kuala Lumpur, and Ho Chi Minh City, known for their affordable living costs, reliable internet, and vibrant expat communities.

Best Country in Asia to Work and Save Money: A Guide for Digital Nomads
Bali, Indonesia, offers digital nomads fast internet, affordable accommodation, and co-working spaces. Other top choices include Chiang Mai, Thailand; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. These locations provide reliable internet, low living costs, and vibrant expat communities.

đź’° How to Budget for Digital Nomad Trips: Whether you're planning to stay in Taiwan or other Asian hotspots, budgeting is crucial, planning a digital nomad lifestyle requires careful financial planning. Our comprehensive guide covers everything from researching costs to optimizing expenses and setting clear financial goals, helping you turn your travel dreams into reality without breaking the bank.

How to Budget for Digital Nomad Trips: A Comprehensive Guide
Budgeting for digital nomad trips requires careful planning and disciplined saving. By researching costs, optimizing expenses, and setting clear financial goals, you can achieve your travel dreams.

By understanding the visa opportunities, budgeting strategies, and ideal locations in Asia, you can make the most of your digital nomad journey. Stay tuned for more updates, guides, and tips next week.

Proper budgeting is key as a digital nomad!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Warm regards,
Heavnn Team
Global Tax Optimization for Nomads

About the author


Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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Find the information you are looking for about taxes and location-independent strategies for digital nomads, remote workers and remote-first companies. Learn how to use it to your advantage.

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