Business Expenses in Thailand

Business Expenses in Thailand

Deductible Business Expenses

Nature of Expense Conditions/Requirements Applicable Law
Operational Costs Incurred in the ordinary course of business. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Employee Salaries Reasonable and directly related to business operations. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Marketing Expenses Incurred for the promotion and advertising of products or services. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Rent and Lease Payments Paid for business premises or equipment. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Utilities Expenses related to electricity, water, and other utilities for business premises. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Depreciation Depreciation of tangible assets used in business operations, with special methods for certain assets. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)

Non-Deductible Business Expenses

Nature of Expense Rationale for Non-Deductibility Applicable Law
Fines and Penalties Punitive in nature and not incurred for business purposes. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Personal Expenses Expenses incurred for personal purposes unrelated to business activities. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Political Contributions Considered as contributions to political activities rather than business expenses. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Entertainment Expenses Expenses related to entertainment or recreation not directly related to business operations. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Illegal Payments Payments made for illegal activities or purposes. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Donations to Non-Qualified Organizations Contributions to organizations not meeting the criteria for tax-deductible donations. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)

Expenses with Limitations on Deductibility

Nature of Expense Limitations Applied Applicable Law
Interest Payments Deductible up to a certain percentage of the assessable income. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Depreciation of Luxury Cars Limited to a specific depreciation rate or maximum value for luxury vehicles. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)
Entertainment Expenses Limited to a certain percentage of total expenses or subject to specific conditions. Thai Revenue Code (Section 65)

The legal provisions on these expenses aim to support legitimate business activities while preventing abuse or misuse of tax deductions for personal or non-business purposes:

  • The Thai Revenue Code (Section 65) governs the treatment of business expenses for tax purposes.
  • The Code specifies allowable deductions, exclusions, and limitations on deductibility to ensure fairness and consistency in tax assessments.
If the confusion of Thai tax laws isn't your expertise, and you prefer entrusting the task to seasoned professionals, then Heavnn is your go-to solution.

Allow us to streamline your tax planning experience in Thailand. Benefit from Heavnn's fusion of expert knowledge and innovative technology by clicking the button below.
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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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