Brazil offers residency to "digital nomads"

The Brazilian government indicated last January that "digital nomads" will be granted temporary visas and authorization to reside in the country.
Brazil offers residency to "digital nomads"
Photo by Raphael Nogueira / Unsplash

The Brazilian government indicated last January that "digital nomads," or those who settle in one country but work remotely for enterprises in another, will be granted temporary visas and authorization to reside in the country.

The National Immigration Council, which is related to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, released the regulation governing the issuing of this type of visa, the Ministry announced in a statement.

The program aims to make it easier for foreigners who have job contracts with corporations in other countries and may conduct their business remotely, but who prefer to do it from Brazilian territory for whatever reason, including tourism or sentimental reasons.

According to the National Immigration Council's resolution, the candidates cannot have any type of contract or employment relationship with a Brazilian company, and must demonstrate that using information technologies such as the Internet, they can perform their work activities remotely for the foreign company for which they work.

Foreigners interested in this form of visa can gain residency for a one-year period, which can be renewed for the same duration in the future, according to the measure published in the Official Gazette.

José Vicente Santini, the Ministry of Justice's national secretary of justice, noted that the policy aims to fulfill a global job trend while also contributing to tourism and revenue income money in Brazil.

"The remuneration of digital nomads comes from abroad and the resources brought by these immigrants move the national economy," said Santini, who is also president of the National Immigration Council. "This is a crucial step for Brazil in promoting one of the most current work models," the official continued, referring to jobs that can be done from anywhere in the world.

According to the published resolution, an immigrant must establish their ability to work remotely for a company located abroad, provide the relevant work contract, and have a monthly income of at least $1,500 or a bank reserve of at least $18,000 to prove their status as a digital nomad.

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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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