A Comprehensive Guide to Golden Visas and Investment Expatriation

Golden Visas offer residency or citizenship through investments in real estate or businesses. Popular destinations include Portugal, Spain, Greece, Malta, Andorra, and Switzerland. Benefits include the right to live, work, and travel visa-free within certain regions.
A Comprehensive Guide to Golden Visas and Investment Expatriation
Photo by Global Residence Index / Unsplash

What is a Golden Visa?

Golden Visas are a fantastic option if you’re looking to move abroad by making an investment. These programs allow you to obtain residency or even citizenship in a new country by investing in real estate, businesses, or government bonds. They’re a great way for countries to attract foreign capital while giving investors a pathway to live and sometimes work in a new country.

Key Features of Golden Visa Programs

  1. Investment Requirement: Usually, you need to make a significant financial investment, whether it’s buying property, investing in a business, or purchasing government bonds.
  2. Residency and Citizenship: Most programs start with granting residency, and after a certain period, you might be eligible to apply for citizenship.
  3. Benefits: Besides residency, Golden Visa holders often enjoy perks like the right to work and study in the host country and travel visa-free within certain regions (like the Schengen Area in Europe).
  1. Portugal: Invest at least €500,000 in real estate and get residency, with the option to apply for citizenship after five years.
  2. Spain: A similar setup to Portugal, requiring a €500,000 real estate investment, leading to residency and eventually citizenship.
  3. Greece: For a minimum of €250,000 in real estate, you can get residency and possibly citizenship after seven years.
  4. Malta: Offers a path to citizenship through investment in real estate and contributions to a national fund.

Other Options for Residency Through Investment

Norway, Sweden, Denmark: While they don’t have specific Golden Visa programs, these countries offer residency options through business investments and skilled worker visas.

  • Norway: Focuses on business investment and innovation.
  • Sweden: Has startup visas for entrepreneurs.
  • Denmark: Offers the Start-up Denmark program for entrepreneurs.

Andorra: Invest €400,000 in real estate or other assets to get residency, with the possibility of permanent residency after 10 years.

Switzerland: Offers residency for wealthy individuals who agree to pay a lump-sum tax, with investments typically ranging from CHF 250,000 to CHF 1 million depending on the canton.

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How to Become a Tax Resident

To become a tax resident, you typically need to live in the new country for more than six months a year. The specific rules can vary widely, so it’s important to understand the local regulations of your chosen destination. Some countries, like Switzerland and Andorra, offer favorable tax conditions for expatriates.

Steps to Get a Golden Visa

  1. Research: Look into the specific requirements and benefits of the Golden Visa programs in your desired countries.
  2. Prepare Documents: Gather necessary paperwork like proof of investment, financial statements, and personal identification.
  3. Apply: Submit your application through the appropriate government channels or embassies.
  4. Make the Investment: Complete the required investment after your application is approved.
  5. Obtain Residency: Get your residency permit and fulfill any ongoing requirements to maintain it.
  6. Apply for Citizenship (if applicable): Once you meet the residency requirements, you can apply for citizenship.

Final Tips

  • Do Thorough Research: Use official government websites and reputable sources for information.
  • Verify Legitimacy: Ensure any agency or service provider is accredited and has a proven track record.

Golden Visas are an excellent way to achieve your dream of living in a new country through investment. Countries like Portugal, Spain, Greece, Malta, Andorra, and Switzerland have attractive programs, while Norway, Sweden, and Denmark offer other pathways through business investments. By understanding the requirements and benefits, you can make an informed decision and embark on your expatriation journey.

If you need any other informational tax guides for specific countries and its digital nomad visas, feel free to browse our other articles below:

Country Tax Guides
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Heavnn is a borderless tax technology solution supporting the future of work. We assist international remote workers with the design and implementation of their global tax setups.

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Find the information you are looking for about taxes and location-independent strategies for digital nomads, remote workers and remote-first companies. Learn how to use it to your advantage.

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